Pool Site Design and Build
Syracuse In-Ground Gunite, Liner, and Fiberglass Pool Design and Installation
Syracuse In-Ground Swimming Pool Layout, Design, and Installation
We work with local swimming pool contractors to provide the poolscape of your dreams. We can be brought in before or after you have selected a pool contractors to help with pool layout, site design, and surrounding features. We have extensive experience with pool sites, pool site backfill, spill-over hot tubs, water features, etc.
Services offered
Pool Site Layout and Design - We will meet with the pool contractor on the day of excavation to ensure the pool is located in accurately as well as at the correct elevation.
We provide an itemized proposal for pool site backfill, installation of ladders, paver or natural stone coping edge, paver/natural stone pool decking, lawn restoration, and landscape design.
Stampcrete and poured concrete pool decks are also available . While we don’t recommend it we have some clients that require it (concrete in our climate is guaranteed to crack - we do everything we can to prevent or control it). We typically prep the areas and subcontract the finished pour based on exact finish type.