Syracuse Lightscapes Maintenance

Syracuse Lightscapes offers comprehensive maintenance plans for your entire landscape and outdoor living areas.

Please fill out the options below you would like to have completed and submit at bottom of page. This will generate a work order and we will contact you to have your work scheduled.


Clean-ups are billed at the hourly rate of $68.00 per man hour plus sales tax.  A typical crew consists of two people. This includes travel time to and from the job site, time spent at the job site, and the time required to dispose of any debris taken off the site (disposal / dumping fee will be added based on amount of debris removed).

Spring Clean-ups consist of edging, weeding and mulching of beds.  Any debris will also be removed prior to mulching.  Lawn area will be raked, as needed, to clean up debris and road salt.  Broken branches on shrubs will be removed. Landscape lighting will be inspected. Clean-ups begin in March or April (depending on weather conditions) and are scheduled on a first come, first serve basis.

Fall Clean-ups consist of clearing debris such as leaves from the lawn and beds.  Pruning will be done as needed to help prevent winter damage, cutting back perennials, ornamental grasses, roses, etc.  We also offer wrapping plants for wind or animal protection (deer) if requested.


Pruning is available at the hourly rate of $68.00 per man hour. This includes travel time to and from the job site, time spent at the job site, and the time required to dispose of any debris taken off the site (Disposal / dumping fee will be added based on amount of debris removed).

Pruning work is available for shrubs and trees up to 10 ft. in height using: hand pruners, gas shears, ladders, pole pruners, pole saws, and chainsaws.

For most shrubs and trees, pruning must be completed at the right time. Some are best pruned in winter and some right after flowering. Pruning should generally be completed in both the Spring and late Fall to cover all shrub and tree species.


Bi-weekly weeding / maintenance is billed at the hourly rate of $68.00 per man hour. All beds will be weeded as needed. Staying on top of weeding on a bi-weekly basis significantly reduces the time necessary to complete the task compared to a monthly weeding service. Perennials will also be maintained as needed and cut back once done flowering.


Landscape Light Maintenance is billed at the hourly rate of $90.00 per man hour for the lighting technician. This includes travel time and time spent at the project location. Lenses of fixtures will be cleaned as needed and all fixtures will be re-positioned as necessary. Voltage drop will be checked to ensure all fixtures are operating properly. Pruning of plant materials away from fixtures will be done as needed. Fixtures will be re-located as needed as plantings mature. Bulbs will be replaced as needed. Additional parts and materials will be billed on a per cost basis.


Irrigation maintenance is billed at the hourly rate of $90.00 per man hour for the irrigation technician. This includes travel time and time spent at the project location. Additional parts and materials will be billed on a per cost basis. Any large-scale work will be submitted for homeowner approval prior to start of work. Common services completed annually are the Spring start up and Wintering of system.


Hardscape Maintenance is billed at the hourly rate of $90.00 per man hour. This includes travel time and time spent at the project location.  We can repair any issues with retaining walls, concrete pavers, natural stone, or masonry.  This includes but is not limited to; cleaning and sealing of pavers, repairing settled or failed pavers and retaining walls, installation of polymeric sands, etc.


All services above are billed on an hourly rate per man hour of $68.00 (irrigation, hardscape maintenance, and lighting excluded).

Any debris that needs to be dumped and loaded will also be an additional fee based on amount of debris.

For Irrigation - the price per man hour is $90.00. Additional parts and materials will be billed on a per cost basis.